Friday, November 19, 2010

third time..

Tiga kali bersama tiga orang yang berbeda, tiga pengalaman yang berbeda...

Pertama kali
pergi dengan bos, tingkah laku dan perkataan tidak bebas, walau saat itu sempat pergi sebentar ke malimbu dan senggigi, tetap saja rasanya kaku dan tidak bebas :D

Kedua kali
is the most unique experience, traveling with a totally stranger... but its the better one than the other. Quite odds in the beginning,because we don't know each other, but slowly its become fun..

ketiga kali
All the unexpected thing happens on the third time. The jobs that cannot be done on schedule, alone, no friend, n lonely....

Hope for the next time, for the fourth...
that i can comeback here with my friends n visit gili nanggu...
just for vacation, not for work....